
The Mother and Child Relief Foundation has always worked towards collecting all manner of humanitarian aid in a variety of ways. The most effective donations are, of course, cash funds, with which we are able, in many occasions, to purchase medicines, goods and equipment within the country where these humanitarian gifts are needed.


In Serbia, for example, a financial donation goes a long way further in its purchasing power that it would outside the country. This is perfect in the acquirement of vital equipment, medicines and other humanitarian goods which are either produced within Serbia or imported for sale within.


Mother and Child Relief Foundation also looks for individuals, companies or other organizations which are able to collect bulk humanitarian aid and then transport it to the place of need. In most cases, this will be a central station / collection point within Serbia from where local delivery may be made. Normally a target recipient will be identified before the aid is delivered as this shortens the amount of time for any storage which may be necessary.


Mother and Child Relief Foundation also appreciates greatly any co-operative work on any project and we have had many wonderful and successful outcomes from such joint ventures. We are always looking for partnerships, on all levels, between Worldwide medical and other humanitarian institutions and various hospitals or humanitarian institutions within Serbia.


If you would like to help us by donating funds, goods, equipment or your precious time, please fill out our Contact Form as we would love to hear from you and would very much appreciate any help you have to offer.